80 Small Businesses To Get A Spot On Alliant 2

Montri Nipitvittaya/Shutterstock.com
The small business portion of the contract vehicle is valued at a maximum $15 billion.
The federal government is likely to award around 80 companies a spot on a massive contracting system approving certain IT companies to sell to government.
Alliant 2, known as a “Government-Wide Acquisition Contract,” is managed by the General Services Administration. Last month, GSA made awards on its larger $50 billion IT GWAC, with a special emphasis on companies selling emerging technology such as artificial intelligence.
The Alliant 2 small business contracts are worth up to $15 billion, with a five-year base and five-year extension option. GSA on Thursday published a pre-award list of businesses likely to get a spot.
In contrast to previous iterations of Alliant, Alliant 2 companies were evaluated slightly differently. Bidders were asked to self-score their services, and contractors were judged not only based on their proposal and bid price, but also their capabilities, according to GSA.
The new system has drawn some ire from the private sector. Earlier this year, the Government Accountability Office sided with GSA on pre-award bid protests from companies who disagreed with the evaluation process. At least five companies filed protests with GAO after the awards were made, including Capgemini Government Solutions, Harris IT Services Corp., Compuline International,Kratos Technology & Training Solutions and The Centech Group.
The small business winners include:
Aderas Inc.
Advanced Software Systems
Agile Defense, Inc.
Alutiiq Business Services, LLC
ASRC Federal Data Network Technologies
Avineon, Inc.
aXseum Solutions
Battle Resource Management
BayFirst Solutions LLC
BlueWater Federal Solutions, Inc.
Business Integra Technology Solutions
Client/Server Software Solutions
CNI Global Solutions
Constellation Software Engineering, Corp.
Credence Management Solutions
Customer Value Partners
Decypher Technologies
DKW Communications
DSFederal, Inc.
EMW, Inc.
Evanhoe & Associates
Excellus Solutions
Exeter Government Services
Federated IT
Goldbelt Hawk
Grove Resource Solutions
Halfaker and Associates
Halvik Corporation
Harmonia Holdings Group
Highlight Technologies
InCadence Strategic Solutions Corporation
Incentive Technology Group
Innovative Management Concepts
Inserso Corporation
Koniag Services
Link Solutions
LinTech Global
MetroStar Systems
Network Security Systems Plus
New Generation Solution
NikSoft Systems Corporation
Paragon Technology Group
Pro-Sphere Tek,
Soft Tech Consulting
Solutions By Design II
Solutions Development Corporation
Spry Methods
Strategic Operational Solutions
Sumaria Systems
Suntiva, LLC
Superior Government Solutions, LLC
Superlative Technologies, Inc. dba SuprTEK
Systems Plus, Inc.
One Research Court
Tantus Technologies
Technology Solutions Provider, Inc
Teracore, Inc.
The net.America Corporation
Time Solutions
Tuva, LLC
Usmax Corporation
VariQ Corporation
Vector Planning & Services
Vista Defense Technologies
VMD Systems Integrators
VSolvit, LLC
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