Quick Hits

*** The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is restructuring its IT organization with an eye to fostering modernization  and being more "customer centric," according to an Oct. 4 Federal Register post. CDC is doing away with its IT services offices, management information systems office and office of the chief information security officer in favor of a structure that puts capital planning, data management, enterprise architecture and cybersecurity under the management of the CIO.

*** The General Services Administration announced a new group of 20 Presidential Innovation Fellows on Oct. 3. The group is the seventh PIF cohort since the program began in 2012 at the White House Office of Science and Technology, according to GSA. The PIF program provides tech experts from outside government to help federal agencies use innovative solutions for their technical and IT projects. As of October, GSA said, the program has recruited 159 fellows who have worked in more than 35 agencies. The PIF program has been housed at GSA since 2013.

*** Presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) promised to pay federal worker in the event of a government shutdown and also backed the right of federal workers to strike. In a post on Medium that covered labor policy, Warren also stated that she would "crack down on contracting out services and on the widespread use of temp workers."