FCW Insider: Sept. 14

The latest news and analysis from FCW's reporters and editors.

Real-world data management

The pandemic has put new demands on data teams, but old obstacles are still hindering agency efforts.

'Huawei ban' means contract modifications

The General Services Administration is seeing high rates of acceptance of contract modifications from contractors to comply with acquisition rules in the 2019 defense bill.

Pentagon raises AI ambitions

The Defense Department wants to make AI training available to all DOD components by 2021.

Quick Hits

*** John Barger, Christopher Burnham, Frank Dunlevy – the nominees to serve on the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board – told the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee on Sept. 9 that they were leery of major investment allocations to Chinese firms because of the lack of oversight into accounting standards and practices, and for other reasons.

The new slate of board members were nominated in the wake of a shakeup that took place after the administration and several lawmakers objected to a move to add a Chinese index fund to FRTIB's investments. Former Chairman Michael Kennedy stepped down in June after the board reversed course on the investment decision.

*** MetTel, one of the vendors on the General Services Administration’s $50 billion next generation Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions telecommunications contract, named a former AT&T executive to head its federal business operations. Washington Technology has more.