Government Requests for Google User Data Rise

U.S. officials request more data from Google than any other nation.

U.S. government requests for Google user data grew 6 percent between the first and second half of 2011, the search giant reported.
There were 6,321 requests for Google user data from U.S. federal, state and local governments between July and December 2011, up from 5,950 such requests during the previous six months. The report, released Sunday, doesn’t disaggregate request data based on the level of government, so it’s not clear how many of those requests were from the federal government.
The U.S. leads the world in user info requests to Google (India is next with 2,207 requests) and also in the percentage of requests that Google fully or partially complies with (93 percent). Google didn’t comply with any of Russia’s 58 requests, Hungary’s 73 requests or Turkey’s 88 requests.
Sunday’s report also listed government requests to remove data.