The FDA Is Accepting Online Nominations for Its Mulitiple Advisory Panels

The Food and Drug Administration is headquartered in Silver Spring, Md. FDA file photo
The agency will use analytics to evaluate its applicant pool.
The Food and Drug Administration launched a new Web tool on Wednesday that allows people to submit nominations for the agency’s numerous advisory panels without resorting to email or paper mail.
In addition to reducing the amount of paper in the nomination process, the new system will also allow the FDA to use metrics to review its applicant pool, the agency said. Currently applications must be mailed or emailed to FDA.
The new tool allows users to nominate themselves or others. The portal asks for basic information about the nominator and more extensive information about the nominee, including options to upload a resume and nominating letter.
“Applicants will experience an interactive, step-by-step process that eliminates confusion and accelerates the timeframe for submitting and processing an application,” Jill Hartzler Warner, acting associate commissioner of the FDA’s Office of Special Medical Programs, said in a statement.
The FDA has turned to Web analytics for many of its internal functions in recent years, including mining online literature to spot adverse drug reactions and other “safety signals” related to drugs it evaluates and tracking the reach of its public relations and education campaigns on social media.
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