Energy Opens Nominations to National Quantum Advisory Committee

The deadline for submissions is Oct. 4
The Energy Department officially opened nominations for America’s first National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee, according to a solicitation published in the Federal Register Friday.
“We are witnessing a second information technology revolution with quantum devices enabling previously undreamt of possibilities,” officials wrote. “This effort will leverage the leadership position of the United States in this area to expand our global edge in the face of increasing international and multinational pressure.”
Called for in the National Quantum Initiative Act, Energy initially announced the establishment of the new committee earlier this month. But this latest solicitation offers new details around the functions and responsibilities of the developing advisory organization.
According to the document, two co-chairs and up to 21 committee members will advise the president and Energy Secretary Rick Perry and provide critical insights regarding the nation’s efforts to maintain and accelerate leadership in the quantum space. Members will serve a variety of functions, including creating a national quantum strategy that enables new discoveries and supports imperative national security; fostering close coordination across international, academic, public and private sectors; and producing biennial reports regarding updates and changes on the quantum landscape, among other duties.
Members cannot be compensated, but they can establish subcommittees and ad hoc groups as the group deems necessary to accomplish its aims.
“Potential nominees will represent a cross-section of QIS-related sectors, including but not limited to the private sector, non-profits, federal laboratories, educational institutions, and other federal government agencies,” the solicitation notes. “The nominees will be prominent in their fields, recognized for their professional and other relevant achievements, and from diverse backgrounds.”
Members will be appointed to serve two-year terms. “Unless otherwise extended,” the committee will cease to exist Dec. 21, 2030—11 years after the date of the legislation’s signing. Energy will fund and support the program throughout its duration.
Individuals who are interested can nominate themselves or others, by submitting a letter of nomination, biographical sketch of the nominee and relevant contact information by Oct. 4.