Seniors Moving Online in Droves

We've all heard the jokes about how senior citizens just don't get the Internet. Well, that may be changing -- and changing fast, according to an article in The Baltimore Sun. Since 2000, the number of Americans 65 years and older who have hooked up to the Internet has increased 160 percent, according to the Pew Internet and American Life Project in Washington, D.C. The next closest rate of increase for any age group was 70 percent.

The gist quote from the article:

"They hear, 'For a lower price or more information, check our Web site,' " said Tobey Dichter, founder of Generations on Line, a nonprofit group dedicated to Internet literacy for older adults. "They want access to resources, everything from government help to getting discounts."

Maybe it's time for those agencies serving the older age groups to rethink their online strategies.