Lookin' for an IT Idol

So, you think you can sing like Jordin Sparks or Taylor Hicks? (If you’ve forgotten already, those are the two latest winners of American Idol.) Now’s your chance to prove it. Force3, a government information technology contractor that designs and builds computer networks for military medical facilities worldwide, has been running a singing contest since Sept. 1 for federal government workers. The company invites federal workers on its IT Idol Web page to video their singing performances and email them to ITidol@force3.com. Force3 says it will upload the performance on YouTube and invite America to pick a winner. Force3 will announce a winner each Monday beginning Sept. 10. “The only rules,” according to Force3’s Web site, “are you must work for a federal agency and you must be wearing clothes.” The winner’s prize: a week of free pizza.

But maybe pizza isn’t enough of an enticement. So far, no videos have been posted and no winners have been announced, as far as Tech Insider can tell. There’s still time, however. The contest runs until Oct. 1.

NEXT STORY: Feds Misusing Federal Systems