Web Headlines

Headlines from around the Web for Wednesday, Oct. 31.

Compiled by Melanie Bender

HHS Unveils E-Health Records Incentive Program


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Tuesday announced a new five-year initiative that will provide higher Medicare reimbursement payments to physicians who use electronic health records. The demonstration program is intended to offset the costs of putting EHR software into place and paying for training and support.

Noise Sensors Back Police on Shooting of D.C. Teen

The Washington Post

Gunshot sensors indicate that the first shot fired in a police confrontation with a 14-year-old did not come from the off-duty D.C. officers at the scene but from a higher-caliber weapon close to where the slain youth fell, law enforcement sources said. The gunshot sensors are part of a network installed last year on rooftops in many neighborhoods in D.C.

Kentucky Launches Statewide High-Speed Education Network

Government Technology

Kentucky students now are on the leading edge of technology and education thanks to the newly created Kentucky Education Network. Public schools across the state now are connected to KEN, which addresses the need to improve the speed in which information comes into and leaves local school districts.

IT Salaries to Rise Twice as Fast as Inflation

CIO Insight

CIOs looking to hire skilled IT professionals will pay, on average, 5.3 percent more in 2008 than they did this year, according to a just-released report from Robert Half Technology, an IT staffing firm.

IG: GSA Contractors Get System Access Before Background Checks

Federal Computer Week

General Services Administration officials compromised confidential information when they failed to perform background checks on contractors before giving them access to the agency’s information systems, according to GSA’s inspector general.

Defense Leaders Push Interoperability Agenda

Government Computer News

While commanders increasingly are able to make tactical decisions from real-time air reconnaissance and ground intelligence, “The ability to do dynamic planning isn’t there,” said Air Force Lt. Gen. Michael Peterson at this week’s MILCOM conference.

IT Industry Wants Action on Cybercrime Bills

Government Computer News

The Business Software Alliance has come out in favor of H.R. 2290, the Cyber Security Enhancement Act of 2007, and S. 2213, the Cyber Crime Act of 2007, and is producing educational materials to help sway legislators.

Council Seeks Comments on Public Safety Network Specs

Washington Technology

Public safety officials and industry experts have until Friday to submit comments to an umbrella group of organizations developing specifications for the new public safety broadband network to be created by the Federal Communications Commission.

Is U.S. Stuck in Internet's Slow Lane?

The Associated Press

The United States is starting to look like a slowpoke on the Internet. Examples abound of countries that have faster and cheaper broadband connections, and more of their population connected to them. The Bush administration has tried to foster broadband adoption with a hands-off approach. If that's seen as a failure by the next administration, the policy may change.

NEXT STORY: IG Issues Attaboy to IRS