FAA's Security Nightmare for Dreamliner

The Federal Aviation Administration issued rules to Boeing last week to tighten up the information security of the networks on board its much touted Dreamliner, fearing a hacker could take over control of the jet.

The Dreamliner, which Boeing introduced last summer, will provide passengers unprecedented Internet access and other entertainment from networks. But networks also will operate the jet's flight controls and monitor other operations. "Because of this new passenger connectivity, the proposed data network design and integration may result in security vulnerabilities from intentional or unintentional corruption of data and systems critical to the safety and maintenance of the airplane," the FAA wrote.

The FAA won’t certify the jet for flights until Boeing can prove the networks are secure. Boeing officials insist the networks are adequately secured by firewalls, but as some security experts point out (and here), hackers have been known to get around most any firewall.

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