Obama's CTO Moves to Private Sector

Barack Obama’s presidential campaign is out a chief technology officer. Just before Super Tuesday, Kevin Malover reportedly joined private equity firm GTCR Golder Rauner in Chicago as chief information officer, according to Investment Dealers Digest.

Prior to joining the campaign trail, Malover helped with travel site Orbitz.com and an online real estate company he cofounded. He can be credited for helping to craft Obama’s strategic use of text messaging and social networking sites such as MySpace.com and Facebook.com, and developing an interactive web site that allows Obama followers to find events and volunteer opportunities, register to vote, and call citizens in contested states to drum up support. The Web site's ability to reach out to voters via mass emails has been mentioned as one of the reasons for Obama's success this campaign season. At the time this blog was written, the call function was not available due to “overwhelmed” servers. Perhaps the campaign is already feeling the effects of Malover’s departure?

No word about a replacement CTO has come from Obama's camp.