Time for Vacation -- Or Is It?

With summer vacation times fast approaching, it looks like it won't be much of one for many information technology workers. Almost four out of 10 IT workers (37 percent) say they plan to contact the office while on vacation, according to the 2008 Vacation Survey conducted by CareerBuilder.com. The only other job position that has a higher rate of workaholics is salespeople -- 50 percent of them plan to contact the office while away. While that's troubling, what is more disconcerting is the survey's finding that 19 percent of IT workers say their supervisors' expect them to work or check email while on vacation. Does that qualify as a vacation? CareerBuilder has some advice for these bosses: "If you are the boss, take a vacation and limit your contact with the office. Workers will feel much better getting away and enjoying themselves if they see the boss doing the same."

Given the federal government's workplace culture, it would seem that government managers wouldn't put the same demands on their employees. (The survey doesn't break down the results by sector.) But I could be wrong. What expectations does your supervisor in your agency put on you? And if you supervise employees, what do you ask of them while they are on vacation?

Hat tip: ComputerWorld