Fiorina Touts McCain's Tech Cred

Barack Obama arguably has been the most adept at using the Internet during his run for the presidency. He's raised records amounts of money online and, as The New York Times reported today, has hired one of the founders of Facebook to develop social networking features for his Web site that the campaign can tap to quickly organize armies of supporters. Obama has credited the Internet with much of his success so far.

But John McCain now has someone talking up his technology qualifications: Carly Fiorina, former chief executive officer at Hewlett Packard Co. She says McCain knows that technology is a big part of the economy, according to a Los Angeles Times blog. Fiorina, who has appeared in public for weeks talking up McCain and who is mentioned as a possible member of Cabinet if McCain is elected president, was in Washington, D.C., on Monday talking to reporters about McCain's technology prowess, as well as other issues.

But it's not so clear what McCain's tech strategy for government would be. Obama has suggested he would appoint a chief technology officer to oversee the federal IT infrastructure, presumably to foster innovative, governmentwide e-government programs and applications. Nothing much on how McCain may leverage technology to operate government.

Unlike past elections, could information technology â€" other than the regulatory environment â€" become a larger part of debate?

NEXT STORY: E-Government's Tough Nut