Warrior or Kundra for CTO?

Business Week <a href="http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/jan2009/tc20090115_815265.htm">reported</a> that Barack Obama will appoint as the federal chief information officer either Padmasree Warrior, the CTO at Cisco Systems or Vivek Kundra, the CTO for Washington, D.C.

Business Week reported that Barack Obama will appoint as the federal chief information officer either Padmasree Warrior, the CTO at Cisco Systems or Vivek Kundra, the CTO for Washington, D.C.

The CTO appointment was expected to be made before the inauguration, sources said, but, according to Business Week, "the selection is being held up because it's not yet clear how the person selected as CTO will interact with the government's chief information officer, a position now held by Karen Evans, and with the new cybersecurity czar, another position that has not yet been filed."

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