Why Cyber Spending Will Increase

Barack Obama <a href="http://www.nextgov.com/nextgov/ng_20080718_2930.php">pledged</a> last summer to make cybersecurity a priority, but a better barometer of just how high network security will be on an Obama administration agenda is to look at where federal contractors are investing. And they are betting big on cybersecurity, <a href="http://news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-10130225-83.html">according to CNet news</a>.

Barack Obama pledged last summer to make cybersecurity a priority, but a better barometer of how important network security will be to the Obama administration is to look where federal contractors are investing. And they are betting big on cybersecurity, according to Bloomberg.com.

"The whole area of cyber is probably one of the faster-growing areas" of the U.S. budget, Linda Gooden, executive vice president of Lockheed's Information Systems & Global Services unit, said in an interview. "It's something that we're very focused on. I expect there will be a significant focus" under Obama.

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