Cyberwarriors Fight the DOS Blitzkreig

The Defense Department has been conducting training exercises for cyberwarriors for years, but it finally formalized the operations in the National Cyber Range. From an article on MSNBC:

The Defense Department has been training cyberwarriors for years, but it finally formalized the operations in the National Cyber Range. From an article on MSNBC:

"Think of it like the board game Risk," said [Ed Adams of Security Innovation, a company which until last year worked with the Department of Defense on cyber security issues.] "Instead of having little squares sitting on top of Brazil, you have virtual avatars sitting on a piece of data that you are assigned to protect."

That information could include anything, from the location of troops on the ground to a piece of computer code. The avatars, actually soldiers sitting in front of computer terminals and armed with a keyboard instead of a carbine, have a variety of weapons and tactics to employ in order to protect and defend.

"Low level processor unit attacks are like attacking an individual foot soldier," said Adams. "A denial of service attack would be more like a mortar shelling or blitzkreig."

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