From Sleepwalking to ZZZ-Mailing

Researchers from the University of Toledo, Ohio, report in the medical journal <a href=""><em>Sleep Medicine</em></a> about the first case of someone emailing while asleep -- an act related to sleepwalking.

Researchers from the University of Toledo, Ohio, report in the medical journal Sleep Medicine about the first case of someone emailing while asleep -- an act related to sleepwalking. A 44-year-old woman, shortly after going to bed, got up, logged onto her computer and sent out invitations to friends for a party. According to the report, as reported by the Fortean Times, the emails were:

not up to the woman's waking standard; each was in a random mix of upper and lower case characters, badly formatted and containing odd expressions. One read: "Come tomorrow and sort this hell hole out. Dinner and drinks, Bring wine and caviar only." Another said simply: "What the..."

Hat tip: BoingBoing

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