It's Here: The Security Comic Strip

How funny can data theft, data loss, fraud and identity theft be? Pretty funny, according to portable storage device (read flash drives) <a href="">CoSoSys</a>. IN a press release sent out this morning, the company said it launched "a series of comic strips intended to educate the public regarding the embedded threats of portable and lifestyle devices."

How funny can data theft, data loss, fraud and identity theft be? Pretty funny, according to portable storage device (read flash drives) CoSoSys. IN a press release sent out this morning, the company said it launched "a series of comic strips intended to educate the public regarding the embedded threats of portable and lifestyle devices."

The first installment of Endpoint Security Adventures was on data theft and posted on March 11. Others, on data leakage, data loss and malware intrusion will be posted in the coming days. Apparently, it's hard to make security funny. But you be the judge.

NEXT STORY: Kundra: Dead Man Walking?