What's the Deal with Medicaid Systems?

One of the most complicated networks to assemble has to be a Medicaid claims processing system. Numerous states -- <a href="http://www.cio.com/article/20133/Maine_s_Medicaid_Mistakes">Maine</a>, <a href="http://www.newsobserver.com/news/story/558169.html">North Carolina</a>, <a href="http://www.forbes.com/feeds/ap/2009/07/13/ap6647246.html">Indiana</a> and many others -- have reported during the past several years that the development of modern Medicaid claims processing systems are over budget, behind schedule and simply don't work.

One of the most complicated networks to assemble has to be a Medicaid claims processing system. Numerous states -- Maine, North Carolina, Indiana and many others -- have reported that their modern Medicaid claims processing systems are over budget, behind schedule and simply don't work. The problems have been so bad that many states have canceled the development contracts and written off millions of dollars. The latest state to do so is Nebraska.

Can something be going on here?

NEXT STORY: Updated: Recovery.gov Contract