Another IRS E-mail Scam

This time of year brings out <a href="">scams aimed at tricking taxpayers</a> to give up personal information through e-mails. The latest landed in my inbox on Friday. The e-mail had the subject "Internal Revenue Service - Tax refund (28831290) $620.50," and it said it came from "Irs.Gov." It's message:

This time of year brings out scams aimed at tricking taxpayers to give up personal information through e-mails. The latest landed in my inbox on Friday. The e-mail had the subject "Internal Revenue Service - Tax refund (28831290) $620.50," and it said it came from "Irs.Gov." It's message:

IRS 2.bmp

I couldn't find any warning of this particular scam on IRS' Web site. But even though the e-mail looks unsophisticated and is worded awkwardly ("You have get a Tax Refund . . ."?) , the IRS says such tricks dupe numerous taxpayers.

NEXT STORY: Outsourcing to the Insourced