
An AI Expert Explains Why It’s Hard to Give Computers Something You Take for Granted: Common Sense

Common sense includes an intuitive understanding of basic physics – something computers lack.


The Pentagon Needs a Strategy That Does Not Hinge on Fragile Networks

A failed wargame should make us think twice about “connect-everything” plans.


Likes and Shares Train You to Get Angry Online

The researchers found that the incentives of social media platforms like Twitter really do change how people post.


The Internet Archive Has Been Fighting for 25 Years to Keep What’s on the Web from Disappearing – and You Can Help

People are warned that what they post on the internet will live forever. But that’s not really the case.


Apple Can Scan Your Photos for Child Abuse and Still Protect Your Privacy – If the Company Keeps Its Promises

The company will use some clever math to sniff them for instances of child abuse without looking at the photos.


Female Scientists Set Back by the Pandemic May Never Make Up Lost Time

The reason is the inequitable structure of rewards in science.


Defense Leaders Can Mitigate Telework Risks

Remote work promises to make the workforce more responsive and efficient, but it also presents significant security challenges, a former ODNI cyber chief says.


Supportive Video Game Communities Can Help Veterans Transition to Civilian Life

For an increasing number of veterans retiring from the service, their shared interest in video games can become the basis for that community.


Space Travel for Billionaires Is the Surprise Topic with Bipartisan American Support – But Not from Gen Z

“Space travel and research are important for the future development of humanity,” one respondent said.


How to Lessen the Burden of Freedom of Information Act Requests

It is essential to lessen the FOIA burden on government agencies.


Two Keys to Delivering Exceptional Citizen Experiences

The infrastructures many government agencies had in 2019 weren’t built to handle the amount of traffic organizations experienced during the pandemic.


What Is Pegasus? A Cybersecurity Expert Explains How the Spyware Invades Phones and What It Does When It Gets In

Since 2019, Pegasus users have been able to install the software on smartphones with a missed call on WhatsApp.


Augmentation for Data-Driven Success

Augmentation techniques can help the Defense Department implement its data strategy goals.


Anxiety Is a 'Double-Edged Sword' for Job Seeking

Anxiety can help channel efforts—but it can also undermine applicants.


How the Energy Department Can Improve Cybersecurity in the Energy Industry

The Energy Department has an obligation to protect both public and private energy interests on critical infrastructure.


What Are Dark Patterns? An Online Media Expert Explains

It’s not you; many e-commerce websites are difficult to use by design.