
What the Rise of Digital Handouts on Venmo and Cash App Says about Our Fraying Social Safety Net

There's an uptick of people tuning to Twitter to ask for financial support during the pandemic.


Religious Life Was Converting to Tech Before COVID

Livestreamed services, which people view from home, are the new normal.


People Want Data Privacy but Don't Always Know What They're Getting

Differential privacy has recently emerged as a leading technique and is being rapidly adopted.


ICAM, CDM Put Identity-Based Security Front and Center

Agencies must be able to identify, monitor and manage all people, applications and devices that access government resources.


AI Checks out 'Rash Selfies' to Detect Lyme Disease

Researchers trained the tool to identify redness associated from Lyme disease from other skin problems.


Stop the IT Blame Game

Agencies need visibility for the right people at the right time.


How RFPs Contribute to Failed Digitization Efforts

The procurement strategies of the past are no longer enough to meet the demands of the ever-evolving technology-enabled world we live in.


Ideas from Others May Prevent 'Fixation' on Your First Solutions

When attempting to solve problems, people often fall back on prior experiences that worked.


In Response to the Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act

There is a balance that needs to be maintained between national security posture and upholding privacy—a balance that this bill is missing. 


Teachers Play a Critical Role in Shaping Girls' Future as Coders

Educators need to be aware of their own implicit biases that can lead to differences in how they recognize what girls can do in coding.


The Chinese MSS Is Attacking Us with Our Own Tools

Here’s how to get ahead of the adversary with integrated cyber defenses.


In a Battle of AI Versus AI, Researchers Are Preparing for the Coming Wave of Deepfake Propaganda

Deepfake detection as a field of research was begun a little over three years ago.


Phones in Class Don't Actually Hamper Learning

A two-year study among a large group of students shows that learning and grades are not negatively affected when the students use their mobile device in class.


Why the Government Should Get Comfortable with Technology Escrow for Classified IP

An escrow can reduce the risks if there are unexpected issues with your technology vendor.


How a Government-Linked Foundation Could Speed the Spread of New Clean-Energy Technologies

A clean energy foundation could help innovations cross the valley of death.