That sinking feeling

The Defense authorization bill would require the Navy to:

Congress wants the following information from the Navy:

* Outcome-oriented performance measures.

* A description of alternatives considered.

* A baseline rundown of current costs for IT services.

* Analysis of how civilian and military IT personnel would be affected by


* The number of personnel who would be displaced by N/MCI and what they

would do after award of N/MCI.

* A prediction of whether a reduction in personnel would result from N/MCI.

* A complete funding profile, including:

- Obligated or expended funds for IT services for fiscal years 1999 and

2000, including from which accounts those funds are taken.

- Accounts used to fund N/MCI from fiscal 2001 and through 2005.

- Risk-assessment describing probability of achieving cost, schedule and

performance goals.

- Certification that starting in fiscal 2002 the Navy will comply with

Office of Management and Budget Circular A-11.

OMB Circular A-11 rules:

- Request money needed to complete each distinct phase of a project at its

start, rather than asking for money year by year.

- Describe how the project helps to fulfill strategic goals over its life


- Identify contracting and management strategies for each program.

- Outline how program costs and schedules will be monitored, report whether

such targets are being met, and detail how errant projects will be put back

on track.

Source: House version of the fiscal 2001 Defense authorization bill.

NEXT STORY: FCC signals concern for safety