OPM picks Integic products

The Enterprise Human Resources Integration initiative will use Integic's Electronic Official Personnel Folder and e.Power software.

Office of Personnel Management officials have selected two products from Integic as part of the Enterprise Human Resources Integration initiative.

Integic's electronic official personnel folder (eOPF) and e.Power business process automation software will form part of the core of the system, one of the original 22 e-government initiatives, said Jim Fraley, vice president for Integic's civilian federal practice.

The eHRI program is expected to save about $235 million during its first 10 years because of increased efficiency, Fraley said. It is intended to draw the government's human resources administrative chores into a single electronic system.

The eOPF system will maintain the complete employment record of each government employee, Fraley said. It is expected to cut out countless paper records for the 1.8 million people who work for the government.

"Every time there's a transaction, like a pay transaction, there's a piece of paper generated and put into [the employee's] folder," he said.

Fraley said Integic can build on eOPF installations that are already operating in some agencies.

"Now, being anointed the eHRI government standard elevates us from the perspective that it's almost a blessed application now," he said. "It also highlights the domain knowledge that we have around HR issues."

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