Tech groups want treaty ratified

Industry officials push for a treaty that they say could be helpful in investigating and prosecuting computer network crimes.

Representatives of several technology industry groups said yesterday that they have sent a letter to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee urging ratification of the Convention on Cybercrime. The international treaty provides a framework for investigating and prosecuting computer network crimes.

“We believe the convention will become a critical component of international law enforcement efforts,” said Paul Kurtz, executive director of the Cyber Security Industry Alliance (CSIA), in a statement endorsed by 15 industry groups.

Representatives of CSIA, the Business Software Alliance, Financial Services Roundtable, Information Technology Association of America, Internet Commerce Coalition and other groups have been trying for months to get Senate lawmakers to act on the cybercrime treaty, which has been adopted through the Council of Europe and ratified by eight nations.

Ratification of the treaty by the United States would help build Americans’ confidence in the security and safety of online transactions, Kurtz said.

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