DISA keeps AlphaInsight for White House communications support

The firm has been supporting presidential communications for 10 years.

The Defense Information Systems Agency has chosen AlphaInsight to continue providing network support to the White House Communications Agency.

AlphaInsight has held the position for about 10 years. DISA awarded an $8 million, two-year contract to the firm to continue the work, following a competition. The award was made under the General Services Administration Schedule 70 contract.

The White House agency is an important customer, said Kwang Kim, president and founder of the company. He said AlphaInsight has many of the government's most important customers, including the secretary of state and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Under the new contract, the firm will provide network operations, information technology support and maintenance, and telecommunications support.

The company has about 350 employees, many with security clearances, Kim said.