TCE deadline extended by one week

The Treasury Department has extended the deadline for bids on the Treasury Communications Enterprise contract from today until next week.

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"TCE still alive"

The Treasury Department has extended the deadline for bids on the Treasury Communications Enterprise (TCE) contract. Originally set for today, the deadline is now Dec. 8.

Treasury spokeswoman Brookly McLaughlin confirmed the extension in an e-mail message, but she provided no explanation for the delay. The agency had already pushed the deadline once, from Nov. 17 to Dec. 1.

TCE had apparently died earlier this year after losing bidders successfully protested the original contract award to AT&T. Apparently surrendering to pressure from Rep. Tom Davis (R-Va.), Treasury officials said in May that they would give up on TCE and use General Services Administration contract vehicles instead. By August, the agency had decided that GSA couldn't provide what it needed and renewed the TCE effort.