GSA will extend FTS 2001 contracts

The agency wants to ensure that agencies have enough time to move from the FTS 2001 contract to Networx.

To allow ample time for agencies to move network and communications services from the Federal Technology Service 2001 contract to the new Networx vehicles, the General Services Administration plans to extend current contracts with Sprint and MCI.

In an announcement posted today on Federal Business Opportunities (FedBizOpps), GSA said that the contracts will be extended without new competition because the incumbent contractors are already in place.

The FTS 2001 contract with Sprint expires Dec. 17, and MCI's contract expires Jan. 10, 2007. GSA will negotiate 24-month extensions with both companies, according to the announcement.

The extended contracts will also include three six-month option periods so that the contracts could continue for as many as 42 months beyond their original expiration dates.

GSA estimates the value of the extensions to be $1.45 billion for Sprint and $1.65 billion for MCI, which recently merged with Verizon.

NEXT STORY: OMB to enforce records management