Coalition creates council on tech convergence

The Council on Telecommunications-Technology Convergence will bring together companies that provide technologies involved in the convergence of IT and communications.

The Coalition for Government Procurement, an industry group representing government contractors, has created a new organization to address the convergence of technology and telecommunications.

The group, called the Council on Telecommunications-Technology Convergence (CTTC), will bring together companies that provide technologies involved in the convergence of information technology and communications. It will aid them in maintaining a dialogue with government officials to discuss ongoing issues around convergence, including procurement and planning.

The coalition, with the help of the Washington Management Group, will manage CTTC.

Larry Allen, executive vice president of the coalition, said the group chose to launch CTTC now because of convergence’s growing importance among contractors and government organizations.

"It's not a new concept, but the level of intensity is new," Allen said, speaking at small meeting of potential CTTC members.

"It's important because convergence is not going to go away," added Greg Kilgore, the coalition's newly hired vice president of policy.

CTTC membership costs $35,000 annually.