OMB wants compliance with LOBs, e-gov in budget submissions

The Office of Management and Budget reminded agencies that they must demonstrate how they are implementing the administration’s Lines of Business Consolidation Initiative in their fiscal 2008 budget proposals.

The Office of Management and Budget reminded agencies that they must demonstrate how they are implementing the administration’s Lines of Business Consolidation Initiative in their fiscal 2008 budget proposals.In a , acting OMB director Clay Johnson III said agencies should follow closely the President’s Management Agenda and other White House initiatives as they prepare their budget submissions.“Your proposals should be justified by performance evaluation and cost analysis,” Johnson wrote. “They should also reflect your agency’s intent to participate in and implement the governmentwide lines of business.”Johnson also said that agencies must ensure that their CIOs have reviewed and approved their budget proposals in the areas of e-government and IT.Johnson sent the memo as a guidance for agencies as they prepare to submit their budget proposals to the administration by Sept. 11.He told the agencies that they should use the President’s Management Agenda and OMB’s Program Rating Assessment Tool “to identify ways your agency can meet its goals in the most efficient manner.”