U.S. attorneys to receive secure remote access

Blue Ridge Networks will provide virtual private network services for 14,000 users.

The Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys (EOUSA), a Justice Department agency, has awarded a five-year, blanket purchase agreement for virtual private network services that will support remote access for 14,000 users.

Under the agreement, Blue Ridge Networks will provide a secure, managed VPN using its BorderGuard communications platform. The company will also provide 24-hour help-desk support, provisioning and an alert and maintenance system.

The EOUSA provides U.S. attorneys with general executive assistance and direction, in addition to operational support and coordination with other Justice components and federal agencies. It was formed in 1953 to serve as a liaison between Justice’s Washington, D.C., headquarters and the 93 attorneys offices located nationwide.

The EOUSA’s high-speed remote access project will allow users to connect to the Internet using any available connection, including Wi-Fi, dial-up, cable modem, DSL and dedicated circuits, according to Blue Ridge.

The company’s BorderGuard system already complies with the Federal Information Processing Standard 140-2, the Common Criteria and the Defense Department’s Security Proof of Concept Keystone validation.