Labor starts A-76 competition for program analysts

The Labor Department is competing 51 program analyst positions in its Bureau of Labor Statistics' Office of Technology and Survey Processing under A-76.

The Labor Department is starting the clock on a public/private competition for jobs in its Bureau of Labor Statistics.In a recent Labor said the jobs subject to the competition include program analysts within BLS’ Office of Technology and Survey Processing.Labor will perform the competition under the Office of Management and Budget’s Circular A-76, which details how agencies compete inherently commercial federal positions with the private sector. Under the rules, an agency must compare at least three vendors’ prices for the functions and make a determination in 90 days of who should perform the work.There are 51 jobs up for competition, the notice said.The agency expects to complete the analysis by June 29, 2007.Meanwhile, the department also a streamlined competition under A-76 for eight jobs at its Mine Safety and Health Administration.The jobs included in the competition include audiovisual production specialists and visual information specialists.Streamlined competition under Circular A-76 lets agencies compete 65 or fewer employee positions for inherently commercial tasks.The Environmental Protection Agency also initiated a competition to determine whether IT data entry services should be outsourced to the private sector.In its , EPA said it will perform a streamlined competition under Office of Management and Budget circular A-76 to 11 jobs in its Region 3 headquarters in Philadelphia.EPA expects the competition to be completed by Sept. 26,



EPA launches competition for data entry services
