Proposed rule would mandate IPv6

The change to the FAR would require agencies to purchase information technology with IPv6 capability as much as possible.

A proposed new rule would require agencies to plan for an upgrade to the next-generation IP with every information technology purchase.

The proposed rule, which the Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council published Aug. 24, is open for comment now. It would require agencies to include IPv6-capable products in their IT procurements to the maximum extent possible.

IPv6 is expected to gradually replace IPv4 in the next several years. It offers a vast increase in the number of unique Internet addresses available, along with other new features.

Under an Office of Management and Budget memo issued in August 2005, federal agencies must upgrade their network backbones by June 2008. The backbone is the main network infrastructure. Agencies may take longer to fully upgrade applications and devices.

The proposed rule would amend the Federal Acquisition Regulation to require agencies to include IPv6 in their planning and acquisitions.

The comment period closes Oct. 23.