SBA: Small PC makers exist

The Small Business Administration made the announcement in a ruling denying a request for a waiver of the Nonmanufacturer Rule.

The Small Business Administration has determined that there are indeed small businesses that manufacture PCs.SBA made the announcement today in a ruling denying a request for a waiver of the Nonmanufacturer Rule for PCs. The administration said its ruling was "based on our discovery of small-business manufacturers for the class of product."The Small Business Act requires that agency contracts be directed solely to small-business manufacturers under set-aside provisions, commonly referred to as the Nonmanufacturer Rule.The act also contains provisions that allow SBA to waive this requirement when no small-business manufacturers or processors are available to supply the product to the federal government.SBA said it received a request for a waiver of the rule for personal computers in September, and the agency published its notice of intent to do so in the Federal Register."In response to that Oct. 12, 2006, notice, SBA received comments from small-business manufacturers indicating that they have furnished this product to the federal government," SBA said.SBA said therefore it is denying the class waiver of the rule.The notice of denial takes effect Nov. 28, the agency added.