Federal 100 winner: Carlton Brown

Carlton Brown, a deputy product manager of the Army Program Executive Office's Defense Wide Transmissions Systems, revived a canceled acquisition for secure wireless modules, getting the modules delivered under budget and with design improvements.

Carlton Brown

Deputy product manager of Defense Wide Transmission Systems

Army Program Executive Office

When an Army acquisition of secure wireless modules was canceled, Brown stepped in to revive the effort. The needed modules were not only delivered but also came in under budget and with design improvements.

The Combat Service Support Automated Information Systems Interface (CAISI) modules were designed to relay requisition orders via satellite, eliminating the need to put troops in danger to order supplies. Brown brought these units to production, 40 percent under budget and better than the original specification.

"Brown's efforts directly led to saving a $50 million acquisition that placed the enhanced CAISI 2.0 capability in soldiers' hands and increased their effectiveness in placing requisitions," said Gary Winkler, PEO executive officer.