Federal 100: Mark Pietrasanta

Mark Pietrasanta
Chief Technology Officer

While many government agencies are just starting to talk about cloud computing, Pietrasanta made the technology work for the General Services Administration.

He helped GSA’s Office of Citizen Services adopt cloud computing, and the effort has reduced infrastructure costs for the USA.gov Web site by 90 percent while enabling it and the Spanish-language GobiernoUSA.gov to provide better services.

"As USA.gov was assessing its future technology strategies, Mark Pietrasanta provided his expertise and experience in technology to recommend an IT strategy that has moved us into a robust infrastructure, saved GSA real dollars and [positioned] GSA's Office of Citizen Services as leaders across government in the use of cloud computing," said Martha Dorris, deputy associate administrator of GSA's Office of Citizen Services.

Read more about the 2010 Federal 100 award winners.