Federal 100: Shawn K. Kingsberry

Shawn K. Kingsberry
Deputy CIO
Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board
Shawn Kingsberry has provided vision and leadership in developing and deploying all the IT used by the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board.
As a senior executive for the board, Kingsberry led the effort to launch Recovery.gov and a number of other websites in a very short time to comply with the mandates of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
In May 2010, Kingsberry was recognized by the board's chairman and federal CIO Vivek Kundra for making Recovery.gov the first governmentwide information system to be fully migrated to the public cloud. The migration took only 22 days to complete — another federal milestone.
Read more about the 2011 Federal 100 award winners.