
OPM retirement backlog hits six-year low for third time this year

The number of pending federal employee retirement claims fell under 16,000 for the second time since 2017 in November.


SSA restructures tech shop to center on the CIO

Be on the lookout for a vacancy announcement for the SSA CIO position.


How a push to the cloud helped a Ukrainian bank keep faith with customers amid war

Ukraine’s largest bank preserved economic stability for 20 million customers amid an ongoing war with Russia.


There’s a ‘big disconnect’ between users and developers of VA’s new EHR, lawmaker says

A 2023 survey of VA employees using the Oracle Cerner electronic health record system found that just 26% did not have issues with system availability.


FBI’s new headquarters plan was not influenced by the Trump White House, watchdog says

An inspector general report four years in the making found that FBI officials nixed a plan to move its headquarters to suburban Washington, D.C., for reasons not related to alleged political pressure from the Trump administration. 


'Give us the data,' oversight and anti-fraud experts tell lawmakers

Expert witnesses again implored lawmakers to make an existing data analytics center permanent and set up new data powers to combat fraud.


OPM puts data at the center of human capital modernization

Contractors should focus on data standards as they develop solutions, a senior Office of Personnel Management official says.


State CIOs look ahead to a collaborative, automated future

A survey of state technology leaders found that the CIO role has evolved from one concerned with building a state’s own tech infrastructure to one focused on acting as a broker of services. The change comes amid increasing automation, use of AI and cybersecurity challenges.


CHIPS Act implementation at risk as November shutdown looms, Raimondo warns

The shutdown would be “massively disruptive” for ongoing efforts to boost semiconductor manufacturing in the U.S., Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said Wednesday.


Commerce updates semiconductor supply chain alert system

Commerce and the International Trade Administration encouraged public and private organizations to submit reports on disruptions in the microelectronics’ supply chain.


GAO urges EPA to make a plan for its ‘difficult’ and ‘outdated’ air quality IT systems

The systems in question are each nearly 30 years old and can be "difficult to maintain, access and use."


DHS issues new IT plan to tackle workforce, AI and CX challenges

The department is planning to establish a DHS IT Academy with training and upskilling for its workforce.


Connolly releases new FITARA scores without usual committee hearing

“We could not allow a lapse in the scorecard,” Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., said of the Tuesday roundtable discussion held without Republicans.


Federal CIO touts '10-year-plan' to build a truly digital federal government

The long-awaited guidance to support the implementation of the IDEA Act tasks agencies with ramping up their digital offerings while mandating consistent brand and design standards across the federal government.


House cloud bill gets Senate counterpart

The Multi-Cloud Innovation and Advancement Act was introduced in the House of Representatives in August.


House panel advances MGT update

A bipartisan bill to reauthorize and update the legislation that established the Technology Modernization Fund sailed through committee on Wednesday.


FDA's draft plan calls for AI, other emerging tech in modernization efforts

The Food and Drug Administration is accepting comments on its Data and Technology Strategic Plan, which outlines the agency’s goals to leverage AI in its analytical processes.


TMF reboot looks to stabilize funding, increase transparency

The reauthorization of the Modernizing Government Technology Act is due for a committee markup on Wednesday.


VA's health record 'reset' will extend into 2024

There's one deployment of the new, multibillion dollar EHR on the books for next April and officials expect the rollouts to pick up in the summer.


OPM has a plan to take its tech 'from the Flintstones to the Jetsons'

The personnel agency recently released its first IT strategic plan in nearly a decade.