Expansion of federal telecommuting possible

New legislation would require the president to issue an executive order to allow federal workers to take advantage of telecommuting options

Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) introduced legislation on Tuesday that would expand the use of telecommuting by federal workers in the Washington, D.C. area.

The bill (H.R. 3603) would require President Clinton to issue an executive order on federal work force transportation in the Washington, D.C., area. The order has been held at the White House for more than six months.

The order would expand federal employees' use of telecommuting and allow for alternative work schedules. It would also reduce traffic in the area by requiring federal agencies to provide a monthly transit benefit to their employees, Wolf said.

Specifically, the order calls for the "removal of agency cultural, managerial, logistic, organizational and other barriers to full implementation of telecommuting."

The bill was referred to the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.