Resellers agreement primed for Air Force

Logicon will resell Enterworks' portal and marketplace integration solutions via the Air Force's IT2 blanket purchase agreement and other federal contracts

The U.S. Air Force and other government intelligence agencies now have an

easier way to buy tools that will streamline the process of data collection

from multiple sources and integrate similar applications across offices.

Logicon Inc. and Enterworks Inc., an e-business integrator, expect to announce

today an exclusive reseller agreement for Enterworks Content Integrator — which enables access to data from multiple, heterogeneous databases and

data sources — and Enterworks Process Integrator (EPI), which integrates

multiple applications and processes across an entire enterprise. The products

are expected to be the most enticing tools for the Air Force use, said.

EPI automates end-to-end business transactions, including incorporating

supply chains and enterprise applications across multiple agencies, customers,

partners and suppliers. For example, the product could be used to create

a common requisition form for the Air Force, Army and Marine Corps., said

John Trauth, vice president of government at Enterworks.

Under the reseller agreement, Logicon, a Northrop Grumman Co. and software

provider for the federal government, will resell Enterworks' portal and

marketplace integration solutions through Logicon's contracts on the General

Services Administration Schedule and the Air Force's Information Technology

Tools (IT2) blanket purchase agreement. The deal also gives preferred status

to the rest of the Defense Department.

"This agreement gives the Air Force a very easily acceptable contract vehicle

to do business with Enterworks," Trauth said. "The main intent here is to

make it very easy for the Air Force to do business with [us]."

Trauth said about half of Ashburn, Va.-based Enterworks' revenue comes from

the government and that being included on Logicon's government schedules

can only help it further penetrate the market.

Logicon now boasts a more well-rounded offering of IT products and services

to the government, said Sharon Payne, marketing manager for Logicon's commercial

information solutions in Herndon, Va.

"The impact of this is that we now have a complete offering of products

to handle all of the federal government's IT needs," she said. "And they're

getting a very competitive price."

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