Surveying the center

ACS Government Solutions Group conducted a survey this summer at Goddard Space Flight Center to find out what employees thought of the service on nine e-mail servers.

ACS Government Solutions Group conducted a survey this summer at Goddard Space Flight Center to find out what employees thought of the service on nine e-mail servers.

Following are the results of two survey questions. The rest of the survey is available at

How critical is POP [Post Office Protocol, used to retrieve e-mail] mail service to your work function?

    * Cannot work without it: 28.4 percent

    * Significantly impacts: 49 percent

    * Minimally impacts: 20 percent

    * No impact: 2.6 percent

To improve e-mail services at [Goddard], would you be receptive to establishing e-mail standards (i.e., attachment size restrictions, standard configurations, e-mail server storage restrictions, etc.)?

    * Yes: 57.3 percent

    * No: 42.7 percent

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