E-commerce out; e-government in

GSA's Office of Governmentwide Policy has renamed its Office of Electronic Commerce to reflect the demand for online government services

Office of Electronic Commerce home page

The General Services Administration's Office of Governmentwide Policy has

renamed its Office of Electronic Commerce to reflect the demand for online

government services and the growth of the Internet.

Now known as the Office of Electronic Government, it will continue to

focus on creating simplified, standardized access to online government information

and services. Mary Mitchell, GSA's deputy associate administrator for electronic

government, will continue to lead the renamed office.

The office already has proved influential in broad e-government efforts,

including the creation of a single online point of access to governmentwide

business opportunities. The Office of Federal Procurement Policy and other

agencies have thrown their weight behind the site, now called FedBizOpps.

Still, agencies have more work to do. A report published by GSA's Office

of Intergovernmental Solutions earlier this year found that online citizen

transactions are still in the early stages.