GSA taps new CIO

Michael Carleton has been selected as the new chief information officer at the General Services Administration

Michael Carleton has been selected as the new chief information officer

at the General Services Administration, replacing Bill Piatt, who is leaving

for the private sector next month.

Carleton joined GSA as assistant CIO and has been serving as acting

CIO for the Public Buildings Service since June.

Prior to joining GSA several months ago, Carleton was CIO for the Office

of the Secretary and Deputy Director of the Office of Information Resources

Management at the Department of Health and Human Services.

Piatt will leave GSA on Oct. 20 to become director of e-government strategy

at Booz-Allen & Hamilton Inc. Piatt will lead the company's team that

helps government clients move their services and processes to the Internet

and become "e-government" agencies.

NEXT STORY: Roster Change