OPM guide helps with training plans

The Office of Personnel Management has posted a stepbystep guide to help agencies incorporate training plans into their fiscal 2002 budgets and beyond

"A Guide to Strategically Planning Training and Measuring Results"

The Office of Personnel Management this month posted a step-by-step guide

to help agencies incorporate training plans into their fiscal 2002 budgets

and beyond.

OPM issued "A Guide to Strategically Planning Training and Measuring

Results" to help agencies meet President Clinton's January 1999 executive

order, which directed agencies to set goals and develop performance measures

for training as part of the annual budget process. Agencies must also identify

the resources needed to meet those goals.

The OPM guide presents different approaches for agencies to integrate

training into their strategic plans, situations where training can contribute

to achieving strategic goals and ideas about how to develop a business case

for training programs.

The four-step guide is a primer in helping agencies "begin to create

long-term workforce investment strategies and plans," according to OPM.

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