Poll gives peek at IT execs' views

Spot polls conducted this week during the NASIRE annual conference captured IT executives' opinions on the progress of digital government

Spot polls conducted this week during the National Association of State

Information Resource Executives' annual conference captured IT executives'

opinions on the progress of digital government.

The electronically captured, instant-response spot polls surveyed about 220 attendees

of the NASIRE conference held Sunday through Wednesday in Baltimore.

Among the results:

* 52 percent said governors should be the driving force for the change to

digital government.

* 95 percent said citizen expectations for e-government are based on comparisons

with services in the private sector.

* 66 percent favor general guidelines complemented by some national standards

for digital government architecture.

* 18 percent said the involvement of municipal and county government was

critical in a state's development of an enterprisewide architecture for

digital government, but 60 percent think it is very or somewhat significant.

* 53 percent view statewide advisory groups as the best way to foster collaboration

between local and state government technology chiefs.

More than 400 representatives from government and industry attended the

NASIRE conference. Almost 160 information technology executives and staff

members represented 42 states. The host state, Maryland, had the largest

contingent of attendees — 28; Kentucky followed with 11.

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