Working for the future

DOD's Acquisition 2005 Task Force has a complex but straightforward job

DOD's Acquisition 2005 Task Force has a complex but straightforward job:

Ensure the department has the best civilian acquisition workforce to handle

future management challenges. Below are some recommendations pre-sented

in a draft of its final report, "Shaping the Acquisition Workforce of the


* Develop and implement human resource strategic plans.

* Market DOD as a great place to work.

* Develop acquisition workforce recruiting programs.

* Maximize use of the Student Educational Employment Program to recruit

college students.

* Maximize use of existing hiring authorities.

* Establish and enforce acceptable timelines for the hiring process.

* Conduct an acquisition pay comparability study.

* Make pay more competitive.

* Expand public- and private-sector recruiting efforts and make it

easier to apply for DOD acquisition positions.

* Establish a central DOD acquisition career management Web site.

Source: Defense Department

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