DOD site open for A-76

The Defense Department unveiled a Web site Dec. 1 designed to help with the often contentious A76 competition process.

Share A-76! home page

The Defense Department unveiled a Web site Dec. 1 designed to help with the often contentious A-76 competition process.

The new Web site (, called Share A-76!, is billed as a cost-comparison knowledge base. It contains such resources as best practices, policy materials and links to other sites with information on the Office of Management and Budget's Circular A-76, which establishes federal policy regarding commercial activities.

A-76 calls for federal agencies to compare the cost of outsourcing a project or function with the cost of fulfilling those needs in-house. The private sector and DOD traditionally have split contract wins about 50-50, but DOD — and government overall — is more frequently turning to outsourcing, especially for information technology needs. Therefore, A-76 competitions are increasingly necessary.

The new site is important for field technicians who develop A-76 documentation, and it acts as a useful resource for contracting and personnel officers, said Annie Andrews, the Pentagon's assistant director for competitive sourcing and privatization.

"It can also help policy people who want to look at the most recent Office of Management and Budget policy update as well as recent bid protest decisions made by the General Accounting Office," Andrews said.

The site features sophisticated search tools that enable users to browse and access materials on A-76 topics. "If you want to search on performance work statements, it will search all the links and all the documents," Andrews said.

In addition, the site features a section with the latest A-76 news and information, and sections for documents on A-76 policy and procedures.