DOD opens portal to civilian life

TransPortal is designed to aid departing military members in their transition to civilian life

The Defense Department Jan. 26 launched a Web site designed to aid departing military members in their transition to civilian life.

TransPortal, at, is intended to serve as a gateway to transition- and job-related resources. It is designed to complement the existing network of transition assistance offices at more than 212 major military installations worldwide.

The site has three main features:

  • "Transition Assistance" provides a brief overview of the military's transition assistance program, including a general discussion of all benefits and services available to service members and their families.
  • "At Your Service" provides the locations and phone numbers of all transition assistance offices worldwide and links to other transition-related Web sites.
  • "Your Next Career" provides instruction on conducting a successful job search and creating resumes. It links to job search Web sites and corporate recruiting sites.

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