Education set to hire deputy CIO

CIO Craig Luigart says he's nearly finished with hiring the 'core leadership' of a revamped office

Education Department chief information officer Craig Luigart soon will announcethe hiring of a deputy CIO for information management, the first of twonew deputy CIO positions created as part of a reorganization initiated lastyear.

Luigart said Wednesday that the new deputy CIO would be announced in "aday or two."

The posting for another position, deputy CIO for information assurance,will remain open until Jan. 26. Luigart said it would take several weeksafter that date before a person is selected for that position.

Luigart, who arrived at Education in September 1999, began a CIO officereorganization in April 2000 that included the creation of the two deputyCIO positions. The office was divided into three areas, each with its owndeputy CIO.

Principal deputy CIO Rick Miller, who joined Education in September, headsthe IT Division. He's responsible for day-to-day operations, network andtelecommunications design, desktop management, maintaining the department'sWeb site, assistive technology efforts, IT contracting and more.

The new deputy CIO of the Information Management Division will oversee systemssupporting the massive amount of information the department collects eachyear for grant programs, the state of the nation's schools and many otheruses. This division also handles Freedom of Information Act requests andEducation's records management policies.

The Information Assurance Division deputy CIO will be in charge of criticalinfrastructure protection and establishing disaster-recovery plans. Luigartsaid this deputy CIO will act as an "honesty broker" to point out what securitymeasures are needed throughout the department.

Luigart said 70 to 80 candidates applied for the information managementposition. When the final deputy CIO is hired, the "core leadership of theorganization" will be in place, Luigart said.

Luigart stressed that the three deputies will work with him to address departmentwidepriorities, relying on integrated product teams composed of Education CIOstaff members from each division.