DOD puts advanced tech on fast track

The Pentagon has announced 14 new Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrations

The Pentagon's latest round of advanced concept projects include such technology as Active Network Intrusion Defense and Adaptive Battlespace Awareness.

The Defense Department announced 14 new Advanced Concept Technology Demonstrations on Feb. 2. The Pentagon announces new projects each year, and the ACTDs are designed to be developed and fielded rapidly.

Active Network Intrusion Defense is described as a distributed system architecture that enables real-time detection and response to network intrusions, including automatically disabling routes used by cyberintruders.

Adaptive Battlespace Awareness is an integrated system that improves information collection by supporting the so-called Common Operating Picture and situational awareness.

Other projects include:

Advanced Tactical Laser — a laser, optics and control system that enables fire-control systems on a plane or helicopter to direct laser fire on targets from 15 kilometers. Advanced Technology Ordnance Surveillance — a system of miniature electronic sensors used to remotely perform ordnance inventory surveillance. Coalition Combat Identification — an integrated system using situational awareness and target identification technologies to improve seamless data sharing of coalition air-to-surface and surface-to-surface operations. Coalition Theater Logistics — a system of logistic information technologies and combat support tools that enhance command and control of combat support for coalition task forces. Coastal Area Protection System — expected to improve surveillance, identification and exclusion of threats to ships in ports and harbors. Hunter Standoff Killer Team — a command-and-control system to increase the joint maneuver commander's situational awareness. Joint Area Clearance — de-mining equipment and information systems to improve disposal of explosive ordnance. Loitering Electronic Warfare Killer — a recoverable unmanned aerial vehicle that provides electronic warfare jamming at a low cost. Network-Centric Collaborative Targeting — a network of existing operational intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance sensors to improve detection, identification and location of targets. Personnel Recovery Extraction Survivability Aided by Smart Sensors — an integrated system of devices to improve the personnel recovery process. Tactical Missile Penetrator — a missile that provides high availability, all-weather, survivable and short response time destruction of deeply buried targets. Theater Integrated Planning System — an automated network to improve crisis planning. The military services, theater commanders and joint staff proposed more than 60 projects, and representatives from the services and unified commanders reviewed the list of proposals and sent their priorities to the Joint Requirements Oversight Council.

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